Friday, May 23, 2008

yay for panera's bread

Hello, all.

Yesterday we picked up my sisters at the airport, at 11:20 or so at night, so they're back now. I'm currently sitting in a paneras bread, which has free wi-fi. Our internet has been REALLY down lately, it barelly works at all, the dish is mis-aligned somehow(??), so we have an average download speed of 11.6 kb/sec(it should be about 300), so that sucks. not much else going on, I've been really getting into my fingerboard business, I ordered some special upgrades and got them yesterday. I'm thinking about making a real website, instead of a blog, and I've been making it in the last few days. I had the worst unicycle crash(maybe anything crash) on last tuesday, I got really bad brush burns on both elbows, minor ones on both knees, and a really bad one on my right shoulder. It only happened because I was going faster then heck. I'm OK now though, it just stings a bit. Not much else going on, so bye bye.

Love ya,

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