Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Bennny boy is going on tour to NYC! Leaving next thursday (the 23rd, TOMORROW..) He'll be walking around with his family, probably not doing anything worth watching... How will you know him if he can't manage a unicycle? Well, if it's coldish he'll be wearing a green jacket, if it's warm a green T-shirt, and probably always a dark green fedora hat. Just look for the sad looking dude in green! And he might have a rubik's cube/tiny skateboard (via Cloverwood Fingerboards) or some juggling .. stuff. If you say hi to him with the name "Ben" attached, he'll most likely wave back!!! Anyway..

Now as a normal person!

I'm feeling really lonely lately.. And stepping on a bee a couple days ago still hurts.. Now i find we have to go on a trip to NYC to see some sisters (I think one's coming home with us or something) bleh.


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